reportage weddings for the cool  kids

I only want to take photos of cool people.

My favourite images I’ve taken are the ones that feel like they don’t belong to anyone. The best photos seem to exist in excess of the intersections and moments that made them. I want to take the kind of photo that, if someone finds it generations and geographies removed, they would still seem as iconic as the day that produced them: timeless and infinite, a picture is an entire universe unto itself.

I want to create the kind of photos at your wedding that are so much more than the sum of their parts.

I don’t really care about generic wedding shot lists and interminable group photos in stiff poses (though, of course, we’ll always get those done up quickly and effortlessly for the full photo album — gotta have one nice one with grandma in it). The true story of your wedding day is in the moments in between the big moments, in the inside jokes shared between friends, or a knowing look across family generations. 

My approach to photography is intimate, immediate and immersive, honed over the last decade in countless music venues, festivals, on album covers, in music publications, on the road on tour with bands, in the trenches of the DIY music and arts communities that continue to define who I am to this day. I’ve criss-crossed Canada, the USA and Europe documenting and creating alongside some of my favourite artists and best friends. Let’s do the same on your wedding day!

Everyone wants photos that become them, a photographer that captures the unique and the authentic with confident ease. But the wedding industry has a strong tendency to pull towards the middle, to package and repackage until the next trend, to sell you something expensive that belongs to someone else. I’d rather start from the idea that we’re building your perfect date together and the rest flows from there — what we won’t do is try to reach for a perfect wedding picked out from a catalogue of other perfect weddings to match The Perfect Wedding. 

Perhaps love isn’t a feeling, but an irrevocable condition. This is reportage wedding photography for the cool kids. 

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